

Methods of Characterization

An author implicitly (indirectly) reveals a character’s personality and traits by describing his/her:

• physical appearance
• speech (both what is said and how)
• actions
• inner thoughts and feelings
• his/her effect on other characters (what they say or how they act)

or the author can just tell the reader what to think about the character (Explicit).

Types of Character

Flat Character – only one or two traits are developed

Round Character – is complex and many-sided

Stock Character – the stereotyped figure who has occurred so often in fiction he/she is immediately known

Static Character – is the same sort of person at the end of the story as he was at the beginning

Dynamic Character – undergoes permanent change in some aspect of his character, personality, or outlook

Character Foils – characters who contrast so strongly so that the traits of each are emphasized by contrast with those of the other

Protagonist – the central character, who is trying to accomplish something

Antagonist – the force opposing the protagonist

Three Principals of Convincing Characterization

1. A character must be consistent in his/her behavior unless there is a valid
reason for change.

2. Characters must be clearly motivated: we must be able to understand the
reasons for what they do.

3. Characters must be plausible or lifelike.


English 12 students will be reading the short story A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin.

Write a character analysis of Mrs. Sommers in which you describe and explain how she changes in this story. Include specific, references to details that illustrate the dynamic nature of her character. Do you think these changes are temporary or permanent. Share using google docs.

English 11 students will be reading the short story The Prospector’s Trail by Cathy Jewison. (handout)

Write a brief description of Roy’s personality. Do the same for Norman and Jennifer. In each case, include specific lines from the story that illustrate the character traits you’ve described.

In The Prospector’s Trail, which characters are dynamic and which are static? Give reasons for your conclusions.

Share using google docs.

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