The Reflections Journal



The Reflections Journal is actually a mixture of journal and scrapbook. You will be free to use many different modes of communication: personal and analytical writing, songs, photos, mini collages, stories, your own poetry or artwork, anything which effectively communicates your message.

There are two components to each Journal entry:

1. Reflections:

After reading the poem, record your thoughts and reactions. How does the poem work? What comments can be made about poetic technique? What observation about life do you think the poet is trying to make? How does the poem make you feel? Why?

This writing explores the poem. It should be organized into paragraphs.

2. Connections:

This is the scrapbook component where you connect the poem to the world around you. Suggestions here are limited only by your imagination.

Clip related pictures, advertisements, and/or articles from newspapers and magazines. Refer to the movies and television shows you watch. Write your own poetry. Create artwork inspired by the poetry. Include your own photographs. Write stories. Add songs.

Make as many connections as possible between the pomes you select and the world in which you live. Include a written explanation of these connections.


1. Read as much poetry as you have time for. At this stage you are reading to discover which poems you wish to select for further reflection.

2. Choose the poems. Complete the Reflections and Connections components of the journals.